Welcome to the facilities team internal website.
On this page you can find all sorts of information regarding IT related information and manuals.
The main contact email address for the facilities department is: facilities_castle@emerson.edu
Table of contents:

SSID: Castle Well
Password: @Emerson%1880
Before you connect to the Wifi network with your laptop it is mandatory that you are running an up to date antivirus software package!

PC Lab
The PC lab is situated on the 3rd floor in the VB. You can get there through the staircase next to the laundry room.
Here you have 8 Mac’s at your disposal and you can login using your ECnet account.
You can also find 2 printers in here, one Multifunction color printer (scan to e-mail and copy) and one black and white printer. If you want to use the printers it is important to make a printing account. There are manuals in the PC lab about how to do this, or you can click the link below

IT Assistant
Normally every semester we have an IT assistant that will help with IT related questions at the times that our own IT staff is not on campus (outside of office hours)
Unfortunately we don’t have an IT assistant for the Spring 2025 semester.

On campus you can find 4 classrooms, all situated in the VB.
The classrooms have different formations, seating limitations and equipment.
Classrooms overview:

All classrooms have a different presentation systems. To see the manual of the presentation system of the classroom that you are using please click on the links below:

Castle info calendar
Emerson College European Center has a general information calendar available only for Staff and Faculty members.
In this calendar you can find all events. By clicking on the events you can find additional information.
If you want to view the calendar click here.
Note that you need your Emerson account to view this calendar.