Welcome to the facilities team internal website.
On this page you can find all sorts of information regarding rules, where to find what on campus, how do certain things work and manuals.
The main contact email address for the facilities department is: facilities_castle@emerson.edu
Table of contents:
- Dorm Rooms
- Laundry Room
- Coffee Machine
- Vending Machines
- TV
- Recycling Cabinets
- Recycling plastic bottles & cans
- Housekeeping
- Fitness
- Cardio
- Repairs
- Smoking Area
- Saving energy
- Faculty and Staff additional info

Dorm Rooms
The dorm rooms are situated in the Voorburcht (VB) and the Main Castle (MC)
Castle Well rooms:
- VB 1 – VB 15 (situated in the VB)
- NW 106 and NW 107 (situated in the VB)
- T 1 and T2 (situated in the VB)
- MC 15A – MC 30 (situated in the MC)
For operating instructions Click on the links below:

Laundry Room
The laundry room is situated in the VB and you can access it through the door to the right of the main entrance (the arch) when you stand in the inner courtyard.
On workdays (mon-fri) the laundry room is closed from 8am-10am for housekeeping use.
Here you’ll find 4 washing machines, 4 dryers.
The ironing board, the iron and the dry-racks can be found in the hallway in front of the laundry room.
There are washing tokens available in a tin at the table by the window for the washing machines.
For the operating instructions click on the links below:
Make sure that you turn off the iron after you’ve used it!
You don’t need to add soap or softener by yourself. Our washing machines are equipped with an automatic soap and softener dispensing system!

Coffee Machine
In the entrance hall to the VB you will find the coffee machine.
Here you can get coffee, hot water and hot chocolate.
To save the environment we don’t use single use plastic or paper cups anymore, please make sure that you bring your own mug (which is available in your room) and make sure you place the mug under the outlets before making your beverage choice.
The coffee machine only accepts:
- Emerson ID card
- Credit card
- Debit card
If you encounter any problem with coffee machine, please reach out to the facility staff.
Email: facilities_castle@emerson.edu, internal extension 227 or 295 (with any available phone in the hallways and public spaces)

Vending Machines
In the entrance hall of the VB you will find 2 vending machines. One with snacks and one with cold beverages.
These vending machines don’t accept cash. you can pay using most popular wireless payment methods. (credit cards, apple pay, google pay etc.)
If you encounter a malfunction in one of these machines please notify the dining hall staff when they are on duty.

In the lounge (situated in the VB) there is a TV available for you to use. It runs on an android TV box and most of the popular streaming apps are available for you to use (you can login with your own streaming account, but don’t forget to logout)
For the TV manual click the link below:

Recycling Cabinets
In each hallway you can find the recycling cabinets. Recycling is something we are required to do by Dutch law.
This cabinet is where you can put stuff for recycling (the sign on the cabinet indicates which drawers to use):
- Paper
- Glass
- Chemicals (like batteries, spray cans)
Any other waste goes in your trashcan in your room

Recycling plastic bottles & cans
In the entrance hall in the MC and in the entrance hall in the VB you can find recycling bins for plastic bottles and cans with the recycling logo on it.
In the picture shown on the recycling bins you see the logo that needs to be on your plastic bottle or can.
These plastic bottles and cans have a deposit and Emerson College European Center has decided to donate this to a charity called “113 Suicide Prevention”.

Our housekeeping team is here to make sure our campus will be and stay nice and tidy.
They take care of all the public spaces, hallways, shared toilets and bathrooms and the trashcans in your rooms.
If you want to get your trashcan emptied please put it in the hallway (complete bin with trashbag in it) before 8.00 AM
Also once a week (starting the second week of the semester) they will take care of the following ensuite bathrooms and toilets:
- Mondays 11.00 AM – 1.00 PM: Rooms NW 106, NW 107, MC 30
- Tuesdays 11.00 AM – 1.00 PM: Rooms MC 16, MC 29
If you are staying in one of the rooms mentioned above, please make sure that you are dressed and out of bed. Otherwise we are not able to clean your bathroom and toilet.
It’s important when you see that a shared toilet or bathroom is being cleaned that you don’t use it until the cleaning staff is ready. Please look for another toilet or bathroom.

The gym is located in the former dungeon, a room behind the staircase in the main entrance of the VB.
If you use the gym, for hygienic reasons please make sure you use a towel on the benches and matts.
After you are done make sure all the equipment you used is placed back on the racks and places where they need to be stored.

There are 2 cardio bicycles available in the tower on the 3rd floor of the VB in the area where there is also an entrance to the rooms 7 – 15.
Be careful when you walk up the small stairs towards the bicycles. the stairs are really steep and when you go down the stairs do this backwards.
When you get to the bicycles you need to plugin the extension cord into the wall socket before you can use them. Once you finish please unplug them again.

It is always possible that you run into a problem in your room or the public spaces.
For example:
- Lights that don’t work anymore
- Damage to your bed, desk, floor
You can send an e-mail to facilities_castle@emerson.edu and the facilities team will receive your request.
If you encounter a water leakage anywhere in your room or anywhere in the building itself immediately call the facility staff (Internal number 227 or 295)
Outside of office hours call OSA (Internal number 224)

Smoking Area
It is forbidden to smoke anywhere on campus or in the garden, except for the designated smoking area.
Your can find this area in the inner courtyard under the carport at the VB.
It is indicated with the designated smoking area signs

Saving energy
At Emerson College European Center we care about the environment and we invite you to help us.
What you can do:
- Turn off the lights when you leave your room
- Unplug any chargers or other electrical appliances when you don’t use them.
- Turn down the heat when you are not in your room
- Turn down the heat when you open your window
It makes a big difference when we help each other.

Faculty and Staff additional info
For additional info regarding the Staff and Faculty members please choose the subject below.